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Gun safe- shipping nationwide

If you decide to purchase a gun safe or other safe online, here are a few things to consider. First, FREE-SHIPPING is seldom really free. There is a significant spectrum of freight charges/prices from one freight company to another, but they all have to pay drivers, pay dock and office workers, maintain vehicles, etc. It might seem like you're saving money as you add a safe to your online shopping cart, but do you think there's really a freight company in business who doesn't charge for their services? Someone has to pay for shipping at some point. It's usually the customer, not the business. Shop prices between the sites offering free shipping and those that charge based on a quote from their freight company. You'll generally find that the final tally is about the same. Companies offering free shipping generally add an averaged amount to their online price to cover shipping to anywhere they ship. Sometimes the actual charge from the carrier is more than it would really cost, sometimes it's less. With that  practice however, a nearby customer pays the same amount as a distant customer regardless of actual cost. Is that fair? You be the judge. I feel it's more reasonable to have the customer pay the exact shipping amount. At Parker's Safes and Vaults, we use a freight brokerage company. With a broker, we get pricing from a number of differnt carriers and can pick through the list and make our decision based on their track record and price.Their quoted price will be added directly to the invoice so you only pay the amount it takes to get your safe to you. No more, no less.

Secondly, if your safe is coming direct from the manufacturer, it may pay to ask if anyone has inspected the safe to ensure proper lock operation, door adjustment, bolt operation, etc. At Parker's, I personally inspect each safe before shipping so you won't have any suprises waiting under the box.

Thirdly, when you receive your safe, take the time to visually inspect the packaging and pallet for damage. I suggest lifting the box up atleast a foot to expose the safe if not completely unboxing it. Don't sign for the safe if there is any visible damage. If you suspect damage, go ahead and unbox the safe and check it out completely. If there is damage from shipping, call the company where you purchased the safe to see how they want you to proceed. Sometimes it's best to refuse the shipment rather than deal with any significant damage. If you decide to accept the safe, note the damage on the shipping form the driver will ask you to sign and be as descriptive as possible. 

Next, Always check your lock operation with the door OPEN! If the door's is open and there is a problem, the problem can be easily solved. If it's closed and locked and you have a problem, well now, you might have a big problem that requires a safecracker!

For a quote on a quality safe shipped directly to you, give Parker's Safes and Vaults a holler!

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